Project Evaluation Questionnaire

This is a comprehensive questionnaire with 29 questions in a Microsoft Word file. Distribute the file to all relevant project stakeholders to get their project evaluation input. Alter questions to fit your specific project.

  • Easy to use, just fill-in the blanks
  • Flexible, add or delete content
  • Illustrative example included
  • Available – Instant download


SKU: TT-10212 Category: Tags: ,


A questionnaire or survey is an efficient way for the project manager to collect feedback about how the project has been perceived by key stakeholders and team members both in term of business results and project management processes. A benefit from using a questionnaire is that people who may not speak up during a lessons-learned discussion will likely provide important feedback through a questionnaire. Moreover, most people can manage to add a few comments and cross out some boxes in a Microsoft Word file. However, you will need to do some data consolidation once you have all completed questionnaires back.

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