Advanced Risk Log

For large, complex projects or high-risk projects, these comprehensive templates are a great way to manage project risks.

  • Easy to use, just fill-in the blanks
  • Flexible, add or delete content
  • Illustrative example included
  • Available – Instant download


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The advanced Risk Log (also called Risk Register) captures more details about each risk than what is proposed in the Simple Risk Log template. It also includes a 5-point scale instead of a simpler 3-point scale for rating likelihood and impact. I would always suggest starting out with the Simple Risk Log Template, unless you have a very large project with dedicated time and resources for risk management or a very high risk project. Active risk management effort is always worth the effort because you might have some vague symptoms of a problem and all of a sudden everything collapses. However, it can also be very time consuming if it must be done at a very elaborated level.

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